He began his work for the court as a page, and, with the exception of two years, worked for it his whole life.
They met every year through 2010, and with the exception of four years (2001-2004), the matchup was a conference game.
With the exception of three years abroad, his professional life was passed chiefly in Boston.
The two teams have faced each other nearly every year since 1894 with the exception of five years.
Beginning in 1901, with the exception of 14 years during the war, the Ontario Cup has been Ontario's most prestigious award.
Black Stump has been held annually since 1985 with the exception of four years: 1987, 1995, 2000 and 2010.
And he has been working there, with the exception of five years in Nassau County government, since 1959.
UV has led the regional government since 1974 (with the exception of only three years).
Brace moved to Hartford, Connecticut in 1794 and was a judge of the city court from 1797 until 1815, with the exception of two years.
Navy agent at Norfolk, Virginia from 1837 to 1861, with the exception of two years.