Those exceptions permitted civilian ships to be boarded and inspected, though no personnel were supposed to be harmed and no cargo taken.
But Judge Cohen ruled otherwise, saying that an exception to the hearsay rule permitted statements or descriptions about a person's mental condition and state of mind.
The exception permits small businesses to provide any domestic firm's product.
By law, the exception permits a person 23 years of age or younger to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.
The Law in Britain Under British law, abortions can be legally performed on women who are up to 24 weeks pregnant, although some exceptions permit later operations.
The exception permits the courts to consider the mental state of the police officer.
In other words, selling exceptions permits some embedding in proprietary software, and the X11 license permits even more embedding.
The only exception permitted was when they heard mass or when the Reverend Mother Prioress Betina addressed them in the privacy of her office.
The Louisiana bill included an 1855 law that made abortion a felony punishable by imprisonment; the sole exception permitted was to save the life of the mother in a medical emergency.
The one exception permitted to him was the rare but remarkable output of his poetry.