Mr. Storr prefers not to show his paintings at all, outside of exceptional instances like this exhibition, as long as he remains at the Modern.
In exceptional instances under this proposal, where lives were clearly at stake, only the president could have authorized more extreme methods of coercion, methods that might "shock the conscience."
In exceptional instances QTS can be awarded in less time, but this is rare.
Meno as an exceptional instance of good leadership.
This would only be used in exceptional instances where it is critical to the case.
Usually, it is to reward exceptional instances of rehabilitation or to express compassion.
In 1944, Air Marshall Alexander Pokryshkin officially discouraged the taran, limiting it to "exceptional instances and as an extreme measure."
He and several other professors said the decision to reimburse the defendant should occur only in the exceptional instance when the defendant can show that the prosecution was frivolous.
But even these exceptional instances show that Rome was not entirely spared the horrors which usually accompany the storming of a besieged city.
Clearly, however, exceptional instances of transportation or, for example, locomotives involved in track maintenance do not need to fulfil the same requirements as passenger trains.