What happens to a city when it loses reliable points of comparison with exceptional moments in its past?
No one before or after Orpheus ever did this, so this w as an exceptional moment.
But during a few exceptional moments I thought I could feel Wright's breath on the back of my neck.
This provided a mode of defense (used at exceptional moments) of the parliamentary minority against the cabinet formed by the majority, were they to act inappropriately.
The work explores "non-interesting places and events" and questions the common notion of photography associated with exceptional moments or places.
It's as if my brain filters out all of the truly exceptional moments in favour of peripheral flam.
At this exceptional moment of promise, why are so many in Washington so reluctant to take action?
The book includes the most amazing sidelines covering different nationalities in exceptional moments of happiness & passion.
Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless.
Thank her for the exceptional moment and be glad she sold a bunch of Aretha records?