Also on exceptional occasions, the cabinet can be chaired by the King of Spain: in that event the meeting is solely consultative.
In his case, that is to say, instinctive wisdom manifested itself only on exceptional occasions and as a purely inhibiting agency.
No commemoration distinguished the performance, no guest star took part, and nothing in the program signaled the exceptional occasion.
On certain exceptional occasions the lesser tidal surges crossed the path of the great one, setting up the massive turbulence known as the Wave.
There are some exceptional occasions, when management want to convey a very precise message to a large number of employees, where reading the presentation may be justified.
For this exceptional occasion, Johann Strauss himself led the orchestra.
I said, 'Well, this is an exceptional occasion, of course.'
However, this was an exceptional occasion, and I wanted a clue if there was one, so I opened it.
What is to be done when, time after time, the people vote against integration on those notably exceptional occasions when they are asked?