Her exceptional pianist is Bengt Forsberg.
Anderson played cuatro and was an exceptional pianist.
As a child he studied piano, showing great musical talent (although he admitted he was not an exceptional pianist).
Although he rarely is seen playing instruments on stage he is an exceptional pianist as demonstrated in the song 8:45 Heaven piano intro.
Sun Ra was also an exceptional pianist, rooted deeply in the swing and blues tradition.
Mr. Price was an exceptional pianist whose playing, rooted in blues and boogie-woogie, allowed him to move easily between jazz and rhythm-and-blues.
He wrote it as a birthday present for his wife, who was obviously an exceptional pianist.
He is "an exceptional pianist of international standing.
Mr. Heath will be on hand to help, along with the exceptional pianist Chris Anderson and the saxophonist Charles Davis.
I wanted somebody who was an exceptional pianist, a superb musician with charisma and unique musicianship.