Most silks, in particular dragline silk, have exceptional mechanical properties.
They are being more and more utilized in different material systems like composites thanks to their exceptional properties and low cost.
Already there was widespread agreement that clozapine had exceptional properties, with some spectacular remissions even in long-term patients.
"We have not abandoned the United States, but we are not willing to pay these high prices, except for very exceptional properties."
Some of the small alternating groups also have exceptional properties.
Then, quite unexpectedly, an exceptional property came on the market in Paris.
Eos (1928) p. 12 Life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties.
"In exceptional properties you have to market outside the town you're in," Ms. Genovesi says.
Manufacturers were able to use different weights of yarn to weave cloths with exceptional properties.
"You do not walk in and out of an exceptional property at will."