The lavish costume requirements of "Follies" require either a large budget or exceptionally creative costume designers.
While virtually everyone values creativity, the picture of the exceptionally creative person shows that at its highest levels, creativity involves important sacrifices.
It was cited as being exceptionally creative, with a strong focus on originality and composure.
Because hypomania is often associated with exceptionally creative, outgoing, and high-functioning behavior, both conditions are often undiagnosed.
I could only conclude that you were exceptionally creative.
The program's function is defined as awarding "fellowships to exceptionally creative individuals, regardless of field of endeavor."
In studying exceptionally creative people in history, some common traits in lifestyle and environment are often found.
Some leaders are indeed proving exceptionally creative in eliminating their political opponents and getting round the democratic rules of the game.
Sometimes a musician has an exceptionally creative day.
It was an exceptionally creative period in the history of Russian poetry, on par with the Golden Age a century earlier.