I must say that you look exceptionally lovely today, a veritable picture of youthful radiance.
This is an exceptionally lovely region of my world, so do not be unduly awed," he said, "but thank you.
He saw that her eyes were large and gray and exceptionally lovely.
Fires cheered all our main rooms, making them cozy, exceptionally lovely.
She was an exceptionally lovely young female, with large blue eyes and an open, healthy face.
That she was an exceptionally lovely woman and a charismatic actress only added to her allure.
Marina created the illusion-an exceptionally lovely girl who strolled around and around inside the formal circle.
Jadzia stood behind them, looking exceptionally lovely as always, Quark thought.
In a moment, an exceptionally lovely young woman had come through the door behind them, and stood there gazing at me as at an enemy.
It is an exceptionally lovely place, my friend, bucolic and otherworldly.