In Scotland such discipline continued for over a century after it had been abandoned in England, and spanned a period of exceptionally rapid economic development and social change.
The productivity decline suggested that the exceptionally rapid gains of the last two years would probably not be sustained, confirming the predictions of some economists.
Population growth in the last decade has been exceptionally rapid and has coincided with a global realisation that "business as usual" in terms of global food .
Heavy winter snowfall, repeated snow avalanches, rockfalls, and sun-shading by the surrounding cliffs to the south, led to the exceptionally rapid growth of this glacier.
His case was a special one too because of the exceptionally rapid revival which had begun under X-ray treatment.
After a period of exceptionally rapid growth in lending, British banks too have had to make big provisions for bad debts; defaults are growing faster than during the recession of 1980-81.
It is estimated that by 1782 the populations of Novorossiya and Azov had doubled during a period of "exceptionally rapid" development.
Today's stage averaged more than 23 miles per hour, exceptionally rapid with five climbs on the menu.
Increasingly often the Commission is not managing to keep pace, and not only in this matter, with the exceptionally rapid development of the Internet and various kinds of online activity.
'Fiorente' is monopodial, and of exceptionally rapid growth in a temperate climate.