It is an exceptionally well-preserved center-chimney colonial farmhouse, and has significance for its 150 year history of association with the Mallett family.
This is an exceptionally well-preserved ecclesiastical town overlooking the Spiš Castle.
A single valve of this species is exceptionally well-preserved showing the finest details of the shell structure.
This specimen is exceptionally well-preserved, retaining its spines where they fell around the animal as it died.
This trilobite is exceptionally well-preserved, retaining its original convexity and shell-material.
It is exceptionally well-preserved for a 125-million-year-old specimen.
It is exceptionally well-preserved for a 125 million-year-old specimen.
The ship is exceptionally well-preserved, and has an operable light and fog horn still on board.
The exceptionally well-preserved parchment used for 4Q41 is quite small compared to other Qumran scrolls.
Some six round watch-towers were included in the walls, most of which survive in some form, two exceptionally well-preserved.