Based on an excess emission of infrared radiation, it may have a debris disk, much like Vega.
The entire star is surrounded by an extended envelope that can be detected by its excess infrared emission.
This star has been examined for excess emission of infrared radiation caused by cold circumstellar dust, but none was found.
This star has an excess emission of infrared radiation, indicating the presence of circumstellar matter.
For one thing, a jalopy's excess emissions do not pose a threat of catastrophe.
Based upon an excess emission of infrared radiation at 70 micrometres, this system is believed to have a debris disk.
The carbon project will result in a greenhouse gas emission reduction which can be used to offset the excess emissions generated by the polluter.
No excess infrared emission has been detected, which may indicate the lack of a debris disk in orbit around it.
This star does not show an excess emission of infrared radiation that might otherwise suggest the presence of a debris disk.
Moreover, the chance to collect a fee on excess emissions would give revenue-hungry governments an incentive to enforce the standards.