When the seams are filled, hold the float nearly perpendicular to the tile and scrape off excess grout.
Otherwise, clean excess grout from the tiles, keeping the sponge as dry as possible throughout.
Finish removing excess grout with a sponge.
Be sure to remove all traces of excess grout, otherwise the tile will take on a permanent cloudiness where a thin film of grout remains.
The diamond grinding removes excess grout and any displacement of panels.
The final step is to diamond-grind the joint to remove both excess grout and any displacement of the panels.
The job can be divided into four stages: mixing the grout, applying it, removing excess grout, then cleaning the grouted joints.
Do this two or three times to be sure the joints are filled, then draw the float diagonally across them to wipe off excess grout.
Be sure to clean the tiles thoroughly of excess grout.
Wait until the grout stiffens, usually about 15 minutes, and then carefully wipe away excess grout using a sponge squeezed nearly dry.