Secondly, did the excess incidence of childhood leukaemia in Seascale found in the various analyses summarised in the Black report persist in later years?
Low serum folate concentrations are associated with an excess incidence of acute coronary events: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study.
A 100-fold excess incidence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease among Libyan Jews was previously attributed to their eating lightly cooked sheep's brain and eyeballs.
An excess incidence of both anal and cervical cancer has been found among patients with iatrogenic immunodeficiencies related to transplantation.
It thus seems likely that a substantial part of the excess incidence observed in Marin County is explained by a higher concentration of women with a higher breast cancer risk profile.
Although an excess incidence of Hodgkin lymphoma was found in HIV-infected homosexual men in this report, additional epidemiologic studies will be needed before the CDC will reconsider Hodgkin lymphoma as an HIV-associated malignancy.
Low dietary folate intake is associated with an excess incidence of acute coronary events.
Hispanic Americans also suffer from an excess incidence of cancers of the esophagus, breast, pancreas and cervix.