Once a Z plot is finished, the excess powder must be removed away from the model.
The paper is vacuumed or agitated, mechanically or by hand, to remove excess powder, and then heated to near combustion.
After cooling, the metal is removed from the retort and from the excess powder.
The excess powder spilled off him, briefly creating a haze around him.
Preheating can help to achieve a more uniform finish but can also create other problems, such as runs caused by excess powder.
After you dip your brush in eye shadow, you tap the brush to get rid of excess powder.
The second section of the process is a vacuum system that removes excess powder from uninked areas of the substrate.
The excess powder is removed by raising the substrate to a vertical position and lightly tapping the back.
Afterward, wipe up the excess powder.
Michael gathered it up and carefully shook the excess powder off into the grate.