She was dismissed May 1 for excessive absenteeism.
It had been plagued by excessive absenteeism, restrictive practices, inter-union demarcation lines and poor product quality.
If you work, you've probably lost your job because of excessive absenteeism and poor performance.
She had been fired in March 1997 from her clerical job at an insurance office because of excessive absenteeism, a symptom of her disease.
Ms. Jones, who had been under investigation since last September, was dismissed in March for excessive absenteeism.
The state is examining reports of excessive absenteeism by Mrs. Silvestri.
Workplace-deviant behavior may be expressed as tardiness or excessive absenteeism.
Although excessive absenteeism and/or accidents often indicate poor job performance rather than good performance, such personnel data is not a comprehensive reflection of an employee's performance.
Organisations can also suffer the effects of stress - excessive absenteeism, loss of output, increased administration, high staff turnover, low staff morale and loss of profits.
His audience, aware of the charges of excessive absenteeism by Mr. Dowdy, applauded.