This would lead not only to an excessive charge on charitable funds but a dilution of the work ethic.
Domestic water metering should not be imposed because the likely effects will be increased and excessive charges.
The hope, presumably, was to avoid setting a legal precedent which would have outlawed excessive charges.
The confidential report provides detailed evidence that excessive charges by military contractors are common.
Some on the film groused about excessive charges for services like drivers.
His inflexible policies, they assert, have often led to excessive charges being filed in an effort to win him a reputation as a strong prosecutor.
Law that sets time limits for providing responses to complaints by consumers regarding excessive charges.
Those who have studied the Clinton health plan say these are the type of excessive charges it would get rid of.
In Phuket, threats of violence may accompany excessive charges.
Often, the excessive charges and other abuses are invisible to accident victims.