Yet even other private logging companies say excessive cutting by Plum Creek and others caused officials to restrict logging on public land.
He said the leadership of the Forest Service is concerned about excessive clear cutting and within the last six months has asked its foresters to examine "other options."
With another guard often leading the offense from the top of the key and the excessive cutting and movement of the other players, Marbury took only 17 shots in the Nets' 112-87 victory over Washington.
Ms. Oliva says her experience is a cautionary tale for homeowners, because she took pains to avoid excessive cutting.
The Survey outlined eight options to control excessive cutting in the area, including public education, land purchase and the creation of a national park.
Environmental groups have called the bill a special-interest giveaway that would allow excessive cutting of ancient trees that provide the best and most diverse wildlife habitats.
Of greatest concern was forest conservation and the prevention of excessive clear cutting.
The excessive cutting on private land has prompted timber managers in the adjoining Lolo National Forest to place some public land off limits to logging.
The three main themes that interest the group appear rather broad: maintaining the United States's global leadership, guarding against excessive cutting of the military budget and promoting free trade.