But excessive dependence upon music may mean that other valid sources for choreography are being overlooked.
But either way, some counterweights to the nation's - and the world's - excessive dependence on fossil fuels are clearly needed.
Beijing is not afraid of excessive dependence on American companies.
There are also questions to be raised about the supposed disadvantages of excessive dependence on bank loans which relate to their classification as external sources.
A major objective of the government is to reduce by degrees excessive dependence upon foreign aid for national development.
He has repeatedly called attention to the nation's excessive dependence on foreign oil and the huge economic and environmental costs, and risks.
Americans must never again enter any crisis, economic or military, with an excessive dependence on foreign oil and an excessive burden of Federal debt.
"Loss of awareness is too often compounded by excessive dependence on these automated systems, especially when there is only a short time to act."
Such an approach implied an excessive dependence of any black hopes for political change or reform upon white men of influence and their good intentions.
In his eyes, this excessive dependence on the courts amounts to an addiction, or even a form of national mental illness.