In a geological timescale, excessive erosion or sedimentation of Earth's crust can either create or remove large vertical stresses upon the underlying rock.
All major beaches in the Kota Bharu vicinity are currently prone to excessive erosion by strong surf.
These buffer areas often incorporate large trees that protect stream banks from excessive erosion and shade aquatic areas.
This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.
The most important problem for the watershed is excessive erosion.
The rivers of Chamoli district, generally flow with great force in steep and narrow channels often resulting in excessive erosion and collapse of the banks.
She said they bought their house in 1980 after a geological survey conducted by a neighbor found little risk of rapid or excessive erosion.
Because these mines are located throughout the community and township, the area is subject to excessive erosion because of sinkholes - hence the name "sinkhole".
There would be excessive erosion on a certain spot and a rise in temperature.
A trail providing access to the summit and crater was closed in 1973 because of excessive erosion caused by hikers.