She agreed to pay back $20,000 in excessive personal expenses to close a state investigation.
Von Reuter took the fifteen-year-old boy into his own home at Munich so that he could continue his studies without excessive expense to his parents.
Her contract was not renewed after 2003, with one given reason as the excessive expense of her programming ideas.
Such a program could easily work without causing excessive national expense if four principles were adopted.
The state found about $18 million in excessive noninstructional expenses, and about 80 percent of that figure is in salaries.
Therefore, the ADA requires that accessibility be improved without taking on excessive expenses that could harm the business.
But this approach has the potential for driving customers away from hotels and restaurants, while being an excessive expense and inconvenience for farmers and homeowners.
This will make it possible to avoid burdening certain enterprises with excessive expenses limiting their competitiveness with regard to third countries.
He goes out under the cloud of an internal audit that showed he was paid for inappropriate and excessive expenses.
The report identified more than $16.8 million in overpayments, excessive or unjustified expenses or fraud within the organization.