The S.E.C. has charged that First Jersey defrauded its customers by more than $9.6 million by creating excessive markups.
The cooperatives say they are simply applying the leverage of group buying to crack the excessive markups of the heating oil dealers.
Eventually, Quasar would make another offering, this one under the name QT&T and also the subject of excessive markups by First Jersey, the ruling said.
The S.E.C. said that of the 29,824 sales by Blinder of the 12 securities, at least 29,740, or 99.7 percent, involved excessive markups.
The S.E.C. in the new civil suit asked that the court order the company "to disgorge any and all ill-gotten gains" obtained through the purported excessive markups.
First Jersey Securities agreed to pay a $10 million fine for defrauding custumers through excessive markups.
At first, the Iranians refused to buy the arms at the inflated price because of the excessive markup imposed by North and Ghorbanifar.
In each case, the N.A.S.D. says, the firm cheated customers by charging excessive markups over market prices in trading after the companies went public.
It deals with the fact that the customers were charged excessive markups from market prices.
First Jersey Securities will pay $10 million to settle a suit charging that the brokerage defrauded customers by charging excessive markups in a number of stocks.