On the contrary, it is perhaps the excessive modesty of Delius (along with a few contemporaries) which is frustrating.
Moszkowski never conquered his excessive modesty.
Not Known for Modesty But nobody ever accused him of lacking energy, nor, as he noted with a smile, of excessive modesty.
The excessive modesty of a bride promised only to Christ.
Preciousness and excessive modesty are dangers in this work, as they were with the early 90's "abject art," to which this seems related.
About Alexander's stammers before the Cuyahoga Massacre: They were little more than grace notes expressing excessive modesty.
Let me set aside excessive modesty.
The argument is compelling - it makes sense of honor killings, the veiling of women and a seemingly excessive sexual modesty.
You might also find something to cover yourself as well-or have you lost your excessive modesty, Doctor?
That isn't excessive modesty or a special need for privacy.