He also wants to free principals from excessive paperwork so that they can spend more time in the classroom.
In Alabama recently, 2,000 teachers filed grievances against excessive paperwork, saying that filling out all the forms interfered with their ability to teach.
Hospitals have argued that putting the rules into effect would impose excessive paperwork and financial burdens on them when many hospitals are short of money and staff.
He was stationed in Kevin Street in 1936 and was known for using physical force against petty criminals, which he admitted to doing to avoid excessive paperwork.
Administration officials expect to have relatively little trouble selling people on a plan that would cut excessive paperwork.
He said the Army's system currently requires four proceedings before an official board, causing delays and excessive paperwork and producing "inexplicable differences in standards and results."
But they heard lots about excessive, costly paperwork that Washington keeps inventing to keep local educators overworked.
Their spouses, nurses say, complain that whenever Filipinos get together the conversation usually turns to medical shop talk: disagreeable patients, excessive paperwork, a stressful workload.
Another policy change instituted by Clayton permits House members to file bills in advance of the session, thereby reducing excessive paperwork and printing when the legislature convenes.
Two things worry the farmers of Europe at the moment: the excessive paperwork they are required to do and the restrictions that are being imposed on them.