The authors note, "Many local officials frequently object to what they feel are excessive restrictions accompanying federal grants.
In fact, the defendant was seeking only an application of the Court's earlier rulings that excessive restrictions on mitigating evidence were unconstitutional.
Washington can push local government by conditioning its subsidies to repeal of excessive restrictions in zoning and building codes.
The legislation, she said, would place excessive restrictions on the city.
Until it does so, scientists will be uncertain whether the cells will be available in sufficient quality and without excessive restrictions.
Many police executives and prosecutors complained that the rulings had placed excessive restrictions on them.
"The air campaign of 1965 was characterized by excessive restrictions from Washington which limited us to piddling strikes against generally unimportant targets," he said.
Instead of being reassured by this action, third countries have, in many cases, responded with both excessive and, in my view, unnecessary restrictions.
Our past experiences lead us to believe that the European Union should not place excessive restrictions on the freedom to pursue economic activities.
We ought therefore to avoid infringing subsidiarity or creating excessive restrictions.