Avoiding gimmickry and excessive sentimentality, Kass produced objects of forthright charm.
The definition of the term later expanded to include those who depicted nature with excessive sentimentality.
Dion has faced considerable criticism from critics, who state that her music often retreats behind pop and soul conventions, and is marked by excessive sentimentality.
"Proponents of modernism deemed their work and their contemporaries as belonging to an era of excessive sentimentality and outmoded principles of art."
Some critics found the subject matter immoral, others complained of its excessive sentimentality, and others were disquieted by its apparent sympathy with the revolutionaries.
George Crabbe's poem The Village (1783) was written as a riposte to what its author saw as the excessive sentimentality of Goldsmith's verse.
His poems tend toward minimalism and describe everyday events and scenes, without resort to excessive sentimentality.
It is often mentioned in discussions of the best baseball books, although some reviewers have criticized it for what they have perceived as excessive sentimentality.
"Those who remember with fondness the products of yesteryear are probably suffering from either fading memories or excessive sentimentality," Mr. Greenspan said.
Gigli's art partook of the same ingredients, but he lacked Caruso's innate artistic discipline and frequently allowed excessive sentimentality to intrude on the musical line.