However, the perception that photo-radar will reduce excessive speeding has been shown to be false.
Lancashire Constabulary positioned a replica police Range Rover at the side of the M55 yesterday as part of an experiment aimed at cutting road deaths resulting from excessive speeding.
Meanwhile, we have an epidemic of reckless and distracted driving, with excessive speeding, running red lights and yakking on cellphones while driving.
In 2008 Barron was cited for reckless driving and excessive speeding in Andalusia, but the charges were later dropped against the legislator after he agreed to pay $288 in court costs.
It does not apply to more serious offenses, such as reckless driving, drunk driving, drag racing, excessive speeding, or driving with a suspended license.
Drivers may be banned outside of the system - such as for drink driving, dangerous driving and excessive speeding, most of which have no points amount.
Probable cause of the accident was suspected to have been excessive speeding.
These include speeding, excessive speeding, reckless driving, driving off roadway, damage to property, hit and run, ramming a police unit, and resisting arrest.
On July 12th a sheriff's deputy, John Connor stopped Barnett for excessive speeding and proceeded to beat him unconscious.