Ken's policy is to give some of that excessive tax back to Londoners.
Without financial training, we all too often use the standard formulas to get through life, such as to work hard, save, borrow and pay excessive taxes.
Why don't the farmers refuse to pay the excessive taxes, he was asked.
The Jagirdar was levying excessive taxes on the agricultural produce.
But today the book's focus on excessive taxes feels dated.
He rails against excessive taxes, government regulations and powerful media companies that are obsessed with celebrity culture.
Some cities and towns have offered excessive tax and financial incentives, often to the benefit of individuals rather than the public.
It claimed that the king had driven his subjects to poverty by excessive taxes.
Howland pleaded the cause of his diocese against the excessive tax for furnishing light horse.
Farmers are upset over what they consider excessive taxes and corruption by the local Communist Party officials who rule them.