They are protesting against their "excessive workload, rapidly worsening pay and conditions and increasing job losses".
The third mate failed to properly maneuver the vessel, possibly due to fatigue or excessive workload.
He is 37 and pitched well last season until he tired under an excessive workload in August.
"There is an excessive workload at many units, and the time available for inspections is being reduced accordingly," the report asserts.
Nadal has clearly been stewing for some time over Federer's refusal to debate issues like excessive workload or prize money.
The study found that the safety board's staff of about 400 people, of whom about half are investigators, had been "operating under continuing excessive workload."
Introduce controls on excessive workloads, better job security and a competitive pay rise for university staff.
Due to teachers' concerns over excessive workload, the requirements have been modified to "at least three texts over the course of 2 years" (Davison, 2007).
Identify and tackle possible causes of stress in your business, including excessive workloads, communication problems, insufficient training and poor management.
Causes for Deaths No action was taken against six others, based on their otherwise good performance or because the failings were excused by excessive workloads.