At first bite, the sasparilla pulled pork ($6) with its spicy sauce seemed excessively sweet.
The sweet pumpkin and the excessively sweet sauce don't give the hot peppers a chance.
Actually, there is one mixed fruit tart that, to my taste, was excessively sweet.
Rich : A sense of sweetness in the wine that is not excessively sweet.
It came soaked in rose water and honey syrup - aromatic, but not excessively sweet.
Aside from the salmon's being overcooked, it tasted excessively sweet to my taste.
As white chocolate goes, Baker's is not excessively sweet.
Only the excessively sweet black-pepper cannoli failed to generate any enthusiasm.
In any social gathering, people from Singngat are generally subjected to ridicule over excessively sweet tea.
Aside from being excessively sweet, the batter tasted tough and stale.