The children exchanged comic books.
Like many political prisons, Cellular Jail became something of a university for freedom fighters, who exchanged books, ideas and debates despite walls and wardens.
As they drive, she explains that on the last call, the police were chasing fantasists, who were exchanging comic books.
By summer, the two were exchanging books and letters.
BookMooch allows its users to exchange books using a points system.
Day-to-day life had been full of shared pleasures, like cooking elaborate meals together, watching the classic movies they both loved, exchanging favorite books.
Their friendship rapidly evolved as they exchanged literary books and letters.
They promoted a "republic of letters" that crossed national boundaries and allowed intellectuals to freely exchange books and ideas.
Erik Hokart and I have exchanged books for years.
They discussed issues, questions and methodologies, exchanged books and hints and shared sources.