The first exchange opened in 1729 but closed by the end of the century.
After the first plunge on the stock market, the exchange closed its doors for nearly a week.
In electronic trading after the exchange closed, oil fell another 2.5 percent, to $34.05.
On Feb. 21, the exchange closed two minutes early because of a system problem.
After a few years, the old exchange closed when the diamond rush ended and there was no more business.
"But when the exchanges closed, it was Katie bar the door."
The exchange closed down 9.5 points, with prices of some stocks falling 50 per cent.
The shares did not trade on the Big Board before the exchange closed for the day.
The stock was added to the S.& P. 500 after exchanges closed.
But when the report came out after the exchange closed, the experts described it as neutral to bullish.