The number and digits at the end identify the Network edge or Tandem switch the caller's local exchange company routed the call to.
Jeremy Cook, chief economist at foreign exchange company, World First, said:
The timeshare resort one purchases determines which of the major exchange companies can be used to make exchanges.
Owners can also exchange their weeks or points through independent exchange companies.
They access the foreign exchange markets via banks or non bank foreign exchange companies.
"The local exchange companies have hidden behind this theme of universal service as a shield to hold back increased competition."
Across the nation, city and state legislatures deliberated whether to impose rate caps on exchange companies.
Within a few years local exchange companies were established in every major city in the United States.
Zarco Exchange international is a foreign exchange company based in Lahore.
Its local exchange companies have retained the "Bell" names; however, they have been doing business under other names since 2002.