Old notes were called in, exchanged for new ones and destroyed.
Hong Kong people can also exchange those old stamps for new ones if they desire.
People and companies that could prove they had acquired the large notes by legal means were able to exchange them for smaller ones.
Many of us think we can capture some, exchanging our small ships for bigger ones.
Another increase resulted when the immigration service required longtime legal immigrants to exchange their dated green cards for new ones at a cost of $70.
The trappings of his old life might be gone, but hadn't he simply exchanged them for new ones?
A relay must be set up to exchange frozen rifles for defrosted ones.
The former notes were all called in, and exchanged for new ones.
Fender's deal with most of their artists was that they would exchange their instruments for new ones every 7 years or so.
Everyone would have to exchange their large bills for new ones.