In a featureless market, even news that United Biscuits had received a serious approach for its Terry's chocolate company failed to excite investors.
Cash flow from its operations, a key financial barometer, rose 6 percent to $454.8 million, below the double-digit growth that excites investors and Wall Street.
"But there will come a point in time when megacaps excite investors again," he said.
That was enough, though, to excite investors.
Since taking its stock public in June 1996 at $12 a share, the company has had little to excite investors.
Those numbers have really excited foreign investors.
But the offerings are not likely to excite investors the way initial public offerings usually do.
The latest rally for the Nasdaq composite has been a relatively narrow one, centered on the computer and other technology stocks that have excited investors.
The designation of two densely configured casino centers has excited investors.
Q. That is not exactly the sort of economic outlook that should excite investors.