He was just beginning to earn real acclaim professionally and was excitedly discussing new creative ideas with friends and colleagues.
She and Jim had spent the entire evening excitedly discussing their plans.
The boys were together now, milling in the street, excitedly discussing their plans for the dog.
The spies would go over it more than once, excitedly discuss it, take notes.
The twins excitedly discussed the party.
Mrs O'Brien is thrilled and excitedly discusses wedding plans with the other ladies.
The near-tragic accident was temporarily forgotten when the group excitedly discussed the helium strike on the mountain shelf.
Dana sat at Kemal's bedside for the next hour, excitedly discussing their future.
In the universities of Spain, students and teachers excitedly discussed the new ideas of the Italian Renaissance.
The talk interested Hendrick very little but he feigned glowering attention as the others excitedly discussed the situation in Spain.