What's more, like most other insurance, the pet policies exclude pre-existing conditions.
Comprehensive digital health records will give insurance companies more ammunition to exclude pre-existing conditions or deny coverage altogether.
Tests may be needed to exclude other conditions that have similar symptoms.
Many also exclude psychiatric care and pre-existing conditions.
The nominally insured whose policies exclude pre-existing conditions also face substantial medical and financial risk.
And policies that specify ill health or an accident usually exclude pre-existing conditions.
Insurers are prohibited from excluding pre-existing medical conditions (except in grandfathered individual health insurance plans) for children under the age of 19.
Since there is no specific test for ciguatera poisoning, it is a diagnosis often made by excluding other conditions.
Most states say that insurance companies are allowed to entirely exclude pre-existing conditions or just not offer you insurance at all.
Your doctor has excluded other conditions that cause similar symptoms.