At least two other gubernatorial candidates have also called for Georgia state universities to exclude illegal immigrants.
McCarran-Walter now lists 33 grounds for excluding alien visitors or immigrants.
Gov. Pete Wilson, a Republican, led such an effort in 1994 with a ballot measure to exclude illegal immigrants from public services.
Instead, a "dictation test" was introduced as a device for excluding unwanted immigrants.
Congress had excluded Indian immigrants in 1917.
Three years later, after China had agreed to treaty revisions, Congress tried again to exclude Chinese immigrants.
The official figures also exclude illegal immigrants, the so-called clandestini, whose numbers are very difficult to determine.
Of the racial groups, after excluding illegal immigrants, Hispanics have the lowest rates of health insurance.
The official figures also exclude illegal immigrants, whose numbers are very difficult to determine; they are estimated to be at least 670,000.
They also exclude illegal immigrants, the so-called clandestini whose numbers are difficult to determine.