The law requires courts to exclude jurors who say they could never consider imposing it.
In theory, prosecutors cannot seek to exclude potential jurors because of their race.
The defense also argued that prosecutors had improperly excluded prospective jurors who were black or Hispanic.
The defense attorneys, who had denied they were excluding jurors on the basis of race, moved to appeal the ruling.
On June 3, the court ruled by 6:3 that lawyers in civil cases could not exclude potential jurors because of their race.
She, along with all the union members and hard-core sports fans, was eliminated when the attorneys exercised their option to exclude jurors.
"It was standard practice to exclude Jewish jurors in death cases."
During jury selection in the United States, attorneys have two options for excluding potential jurors.
I made a motion to prevent them from excluding such jurors unless they gave race-neutral reasons.
Prosecutors had sought such a ruling on the ground that the defense was excluding jurors because they are white.