The data excludes independent schools.
"The fact that Byram Hills has been identified does not exclude other high schools as having a problem."
The organization excluded private schools until 1979, when it merged with the state Catholic League.
But that program excludes religious schools.
I would be willing, however, to exclude parochial schools from the program until the constitutionality is decided.
Below are the educational Institutions in Tholudur which excludes schools.
However, it excluded denominational schools; religious instruction in schools operated under the system was banned.
The effect, rather, is to exclude schools with smaller numbers of poor, disabled or non-English-speaking children from being judged by how well they educate those groups.
But some admissions officers at other institutions criticized the practice, saying it excludes schools that are not part of the small circle that share information.
But once you exclude schools with one-time high scores, and those serving atypical students, the number of high fliers is tiny.