It is cited as the second most common cause for the abandonment of exclusive breastfeeding after perceived low milk supply.
The following table shows the uptake of exclusive breastfeeding.
Figures for exclusive breastfeeding at three months were 36% and at six months only 16.3%.
The data did not support a link between attitude of the mother and duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
The provision of vitamins did not preclude exclusive breastfeeding.
In all analyses of exclusive breastfeeding in the current paper, a "since birth" perspective has been used.
The rate of exclusive breastfeeding then gradually declined, reaching 20-25% among 6-month-old infants.
In the current study, the definition of exclusive breastfeeding allowed for prelacteal feed.
Main findings The rate of exclusive breastfeeding was initially very high, but then declined rapidly during the second month.
There was also a discrepancy between the actual and the desired duration of exclusive breastfeeding.