Then, as now, devotion to private and mystery cults was acceptable within limits; excessive or exclusive devotion to one cult were marks of superstition and obsession.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are men recorded in the book of Daniel Chapters 1-3, known for their exclusive devotion to God.
The Kronos is another study in unlikely success, having achieved it through exclusive devotion to the new, the far-off, and the far-out.
In education, Socrates asks us to consider the effect of either an exclusive devotion to gymnastics or an exclusive devotion to music.
Mekhitarist Order had exclusive devotion to persons and things Armenian.
Did you never observe, I said, the effect on the mind itself of exclusive devotion to gymnastic, or the opposite effect of an exclusive devotion to music?
This persistent and exclusive devotion to a man who would never return to her was morbid.
I began to see that my own exclusive devotion to human utility was really based on an unconscious dualism.
His order had served the Kai Opaka; in a way, their exclusive devotion sheltered them from the realities of life outside the Kai's service.
Not a great development for an order hundred of years old; but its extension is necessarily restricted because of its exclusive devotion to persons and things Armenian.