Dinah Sheldon (Shirley Temple) is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights.
Signing a pact with Alan in wet cement, Barbara soon has the 12 cashmere sweaters needed to join an exclusive girls' club.
Upon their return to Los Angeles, she attended Marlboro, an exclusive girls' school.
Brooke took the subway to her other job at the exclusive girls' school.
Mrs. Harris, the mother of two grown sons, was headmistress of an exclusive girls' school.
Her formal education ended at Brearley, an exclusive girls' school in New York City.
On the other hand, Cattleya High School is an exclusive girls' school meant for the rich, where students are very refined.
I once conducted a homicide investigation at an exclusive girls' school that had this same air to it.
The exclusive independent girls' preparatory school Bute House is also in Brook Green.
She attended the Springler Institute, an exclusive girl's school.