The castle is now a 5 star exclusive venue, often used for weddings.
And a very exclusive venue that was, too.
The Underwater World also provides exclusive venues to host events, such as ocean-themed functions.
"But to be in some of these exclusive venues like the Hard Rock and America Online gives us an competitive advantage."
The official website for the drink has various features, including links to photos of TaB launch parties at exclusive venues.
He hired the exclusive venues for parties and made cash by selling tickets.
"The snazzy clothes, the status of the wine labels, the exclusive venues for the dates."
At particularly exclusive venues, it may be impossible to make a reservation on the same day as the planned visit.
As such, card-carriers may be better able to obtain interviews, acquire information from law-enforcement, or gain access to exclusive venues.
They spent £61,000 on international flights, many of which were first class, and splashed out £206,000 on dinners and drinks in exclusive venues.