The Mountaineer was a summer season only train, that carried exclusively sleeping cars but no coaches.
She said yesterday that her first collection, carried exclusively by Barneys New York, was a sellout.
Rogers Cable exclusively carried Sportsnet One on launch.
The Home Depot exclusively carries several major brands, including:
Already, news articles that The Post has exclusively carry a special logo in bold-face type: "You won't see this story in The News."
The company's stations, which reach 28 million total households, all exclusively carry the programming of the Home Shopping Network.
The most popular approach is "local area networks," high-speed devices that exclusively carry data.
In sports, the coveted programming once carried exclusively by the networks, more and more of the action has switched to cable.
The company owns and operates an international private network designed to exclusively carry videoconferencing traffic.
Mobilicity also exclusively carried the Mobiflip smartphone in Canada.