The exclusivity period was extended twice up to 30 September 2009.
This is known as an exclusivity period - and the seller will often ask for a down payment to secure it.
The duration of the exclusivity period should first be clearly defined.
However, there are other circumstances that could come up to extend the exclusivity period of Lyrica beyond 2018.
The major economic effect is the exclusivity period of the patent rights, when exploitation pays back for the enterprise that funded research and development.
It may also provide an exclusivity period during which you are not allowed to negotiate with anyone else.
During the exclusivity period, other parties to the case cannot make reorganization proposals for Eastern, which recently submitted a revised plan to the court.
Isetan is also against extending the exclusivity period for filing a reorganization plan.
Somebody referred to the situation in America where exclusivity periods are shorter.
The exclusivity period was said to be due to a surge in growth and wanting to maintain a core user base.