They have won 17 games that followed an excruciating loss and they have come from behind to win 20 times.
An excruciating 57-56 loss to Illinois last week kept Northwestern from what could have been a 2-1 start to league play.
Was this Elway's most excruciating post-season loss?
All they have are numerous excruciating losses and a bunch of empty fingers where championship rings might have fit.
It is an excruciating loss that puts the Suns down 3-2 in the series.
Most of the Jets players have the mental outlook to be able to put behind them the excruciating loss to Miami at Giants Stadium.
There have been some excruciating losses, which Torborg wondered if the youngest team in the league could handle.
The efforts to achieve Vera's release take on a more desperate urgency in the face of her excruciating loss.
Showalter was asked after the loss if he was upset by the effort his team gave in another excruciating loss.
Somehow, they survived long enough to go down in an excruciating, 22-19 loss on the game's final snap.