I quickly found it, but then was stuck waiting in line for 20 excruciating minutes, flanked by the mobs, as I waited to pay.
I sat back, thinking of it all, going over every excruciating minute.
On Thursday, Jack Collins, the speaker, announced that there would be no impeachment, with 20 excruciating minutes of legal explanation.
Dutta's screenplay - which runs into 180 excruciating minutes - allows her to do both in good measure.
Many excruciating minutes later, Ms. Degeneres fled the stage, and the gleeful comic returned.
Our eyes locked in the flickering light for an excruciating minute.
He walked halfway across the room with his friends, leaving me to stand, by myself, with all eyes upon me, for an excruciating minute or two.
And for another nine excruciating, inevitable minutes.
For five excruciating minutes there was nothing.
Frankly it was the only memorable segment: the excruciating few minutes as news anchors struggled to fill the deathly silence.