However, she seems to have missed an important, and not new, addition to the Connecticut shoreline list of excursion boats.
The Communist founding fathers continued their congress aboard a hired excursion boat on a lake.
There are also single-deck wooden excursion boats carrying an average of 70 passengers.
Now farmers are back, along with foodstalls and excursion boats.
But there are several excursion boats out of Dun- stable.
This is the Navy, man, not an excursion boat.
Daphne privately thought the excursion boat not much better than steerage.
After the war, "Roditelj" continued its service as a transfer ship until 1982 when it became an attractive excursion boat.
It was too dark to make out any details on the excursion boat.
Inquiries have already been made by excursion boats wanting to dock near the mall.