He excused himself with a rueful smile, and for the next few hours was too busy to return.
Midnight was able to excuse herself with nothing more than polite denials, then continue on her way.
Suzannah got up, excused herself with nice manners and made for the door.
Embracing her again, he excused himself with the remark, "I have some work to do at the ranch."
Those in denial often excuse themselves with the big lie of the 90's: I got it for the car.
They had their coffee at the table and the professor excused himself with the plea of notes to write up.
Like full contemporaries they all excused themselves with vacant little social smiles.
Excusing himself with a bow he made his way out to find Richie waiting behind the stand.
He excused himself with a pat on her knee and returned to the car.
If you will now excuse us, with thanks for the dance, we will continue toward our original destination.